
Caring for scratches – Scratches are common skin injuries. Luckily they are easy to treat. Learn how to heal scratches faster and reduce the risk of infection.

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What is a scratch?

Scratches are usually small, superficial and irregular wounds caused when objects like thorns or fingernails scrape along the skin. Scratches can be limited to the surface of the skin, or pierce a little further, sometimes drawing small amounts of blood, but are not typically deep. Scratches on the face or in other areas, as well as cat scratches, can come with their own risks, and preventing infections is always important.

Treat scratches in three easy steps



A clean and cleansed wound is the first step to an optimal healing. After stopping the bleeding, cleanse your scratch from dirt, bacteria and visible particles with the Elastoplast Wound Spray to prevent infections.
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Next, cover the wound to protect it from dirt and bacteria and to enable undisturbed healing. Gently dry the surrounding skin and cover your scratch with a plaster, sterile wound dressing or compress from Elastoplast.
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Apply a thin layer of Elastoplast Wound Healing Ointment to your scratch once or twice per day to promote fast healing and reduce the risk of scarring.
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How long does it take for scratches to heal?

Typically, scratches are very minor and will heal in a matter of days. Deeper scratches and those in certain areas, such as the face, could take a little bit longer to heal due to thinner or more sensitive skin. The same is true for older individuals with thinner or more delicate skin. It’s always best to keep an eye on the scratch and watch for signs of infection as this might delay the healing of your skin.

How to treat scratches on the face?

Scratches on the face require special attention as it is a particularly sensitive area. Be sure to cleanse the scratch using an appropriate wound cleansing spray such as the Elastoplast Wound Spray. Applying the Elastoplast Wound Healing Ointment will provide a moist healing environment that will help the wound heal faster and with a reduced risk of scarring. Finally, you may also apply a wound dressing or plaster to further protect the wound. In case you have a scratch near the eyes, or if you are uncertain regarding the correct treatment please consult a doctor.

Cat scratch FAQs

  • What is cat scratch disease?

    Cat scratch disease can be transmitted by infected cats through scratches or bites. It occurs most often in children and typically develops between 3 and 14 days after the injury occurred. Symptoms may involve fever, aches or decreased appetite. While this illness is usually harmless and generally subsides on its own, in very rare cases more serious complications can arise.
  • Why does my cat scratch itch?

    Little swelling and itching is a normal part of your body’s natural response to the wound and does not necessarily imply an infection. However, if you develop symptoms such as fever, or the itch persists for more than a few days, please consult a doctor.
Always see a doctor if the wound is deep, bleeds heavily or shows signs of infection like reddening, swelling or warmth. 

Although compiled with great care, please note that the tips and advice given on this website by no means substitute medical advice and treatment. If you have or suspect a health problem, consult a doctor and follow medical advice regardless of what you have learned on this website. 

Always read carefully and follow the instructions for use or the leaflets of our products. For further information about our products, please contact us via email at

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